Teaching Old Houses New Tricks

Renovations & Real Estate

Nurseries will alway be some of my favorite design projects. I think I could design a hundred of them and keep finding new ways to make a simple room special. One of my favorite parts about design is problem solving–finding ways to make a space work more efficiently for a client and their family. Two […]

Client Designs, Nurseries

May 15, 2024

A Classic Boy’s Sports and Music Nursery in Nashville

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In case you hadn’t gathered this by the long gap in blog posts here and the last post being nursery plans, we had a baby! Our sweet daughter was born in April with a head full of dark hair like her daddy (but with my curls, and BOTH of our cowlicks, poor thing) and big […]

Nursery, Our House

March 1, 2023

The Nursery

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Our sweet baby girl will be here in about three months, so we’re getting our house all ready for her! I know she won’t care or probably even remember her first room, and she won’t even sleep there for the first 4-6 months anyway, so this is really more to help me feel ready for […]

Nursery, Our House

February 3, 2022

Nursery Plans

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